I’ll make
you a bet. Think back on your school days. Remember any selfish
kids? I'll bet you do and I'll also bet you don't remember them
fondly. Selfishness is not a quality most of us admire.
Consider GOP presidential hopeful Sen Marco Rubio. Rubio is hard line on immigration and distances himself from his own immigrant heritage by
falsely claiming his parents were political exiles fleeing Castro.
weren't. Rubio's parents immigrated to the United States in 1956; three
years before Castro took power in Cuba. Oddly, Rubio now works to shut
down the immigrant dreams of others; even kids who were brought here as small
children and have known no other home.
also Ben Carson, a prominent neurosurgeon turned GOP presidential candidate, who
grew up eating meals courtesy of the food stamp program and wearing glasses
provided through a tax-payer supported initiative.
Food and
vision care provided by government programs for a child who now says, "Obamacare
is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. In a way, it
is slavery, because it is making all of us subservient to the government."
more? Consider recent vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan whose dad died
young. Ryan, who received Social Security benefits until he was
eighteen, now does all he can to privatize and destroy Social Security;
derisively referring to those who need help as, Takers.
Many conservatives fail to understand that Social
Security was never intended to be just a retirement account. We pay into it
with the knowledge there will be money for us in our later years, but
also with the understanding we are contributing to the well-being of millions
of Americans we will never even meet; people like a sixteen year old kid named
Paul Ryan.
assistance is a truly noble idea and goes to the heart of the fundamental
American belief that we are in this together; that
we contribute to a common cause; that we work to create a supportive, compassionate society.
In short
most of us aren't self absorbed ... and most of us aren't going
to support politicians who ask us to be that way.