Now, here are a few things we would be hearing courtesy of Huckabee's idea of a historian, David Barton:
1. Demonic powers control the government.
2. The Founding Fathers opposed the teaching of evolution.
3. Jesus opposed the minimum wage.
4. The Bible opposes Net Neutrality.
5. The US would have won the Vietnam war if it had flown just one more bombing run.
6. Prayer stopped the BP oil spill.
7. Intolerance of gays is a sign a nation is undergoing a spiritual revival.
8. We can't find a cure for AIDS because it is God's punishment for sin.
9. Life begins not at conception, but before conception.
10. People are probably on welfare because they are not reading the Bible enough.
According to Barton, "The NRA was founded in order to protect freed slaves from lynchings and that there never used to be school shootings in the 1800s because all of the kids carried guns to school."
Want more?
Barton's book, The Jefferson Lies, was pulled by his conservative publisher because Barton fabricated quotes in an effort to depict Jefferson as a staunch Christian. According to Barton, Jefferson said this about separation of church and state,
"On January 1, 1802, Jefferson wrote to that group of Danbury Baptists, and in this letter, he assured them—he said the First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state, he said, but that wall is a one-directional wall. It keeps the government from running the church, but it makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in government."
This one directional section is a completely made up by Barton whose lies were even too much for many conservatives to stomach. Yet, Mike Huckabee still believes in Barton and wants us to eat this swill .... at gun point if necessary.
Now, one from Huckabee:
No thanks, Mike ....
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