Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pick and Choose Christians

It's difficult to find much fault with the teachings of Jesus. He laid out a morality that requires each person to do for others and kept it simple but we'd never know that considering the zillion interpretations of his philosophy. 

Chapter and verse poker between Christians and their fellow Christians are the stuff of legend around my way. *I'll see your Luke and raise you a Matthew* is an example of Scripture poker often heard in homes and churches. Generally, these efforts are not efforts to better understand and follow the Way but are more essentially efforts to cover one's ass.

The rampant use of guns in our society is a perfect example. It's difficult to imagine the Prince of Peace packing but many of today's Christians swear Jesus would have been a card carrying NRA member who'd blow your ass away as needed. When pressed, they'll find a basket full of out of context verses to prove their point.

Apparently, and thankfully, my bible is missing this Gospel of Glock. You can't love your neighbor and shoot him too seems pretty simple to me. 

Amen ....


  1. Glad to find you on the blogosphere again. I don't understand why you let the original one go; you had many followers, unlike my pathetic few. I hope you and yours have a Sunny Sunday, with Sundaes for all! (Oops, alliteration gone wild!)

  2. "God Glock", indeed. The insanity creep here has become a rampant, raging torrent about to run us all over the cliff; I'm still worried, still talking, still picking up the phone to call places like The Washington Post to refer their editors to Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 which easily explains why Ted Cruz is not legally empowered to be the next U.S. President. (The rest of the declared/putative field ain't so great, either....)

  3. Brilliant, Cletis, short and to the point. Amen!

  4. Brilliant, Cletis, short and to the point. Amen!

  5. Thank you Cletis, you're right on the money as usual. Well said and all too true. I will never understand HOW these Self-Proclaimed (FAKE) "Christians" can justify using the bible as a weapon when they ignore 99% of the content of the bible. I think it's an epidemic of Mob Mentality to endorse hatred for anyone they perceive as "different" from them, especially when it's clear that they are far from perfect themselves.

  6. That's why God's & Guns don't and should not go together. Excellent piece Cletis! :-)
