TPP is a horror show and if a Republican president were leading this charge my fellow progressives would be screaming. Obama speaks eloquently to his vision for this treaty but he has lost his way and all his well chosen words do not alter facts.
TPP will lower wages for many Americans, give corporations even more power, and literally usurp our laws and Constitution.
Here's what Bernie Sanders points out ...
1. TPP will allow corporations to outsource even more jobs overseas.
2. U.S. sovereignty will be undermined by giving corporations the right to challenge our laws before international tribunals.
3. Wages, benefits, and collective bargaining will be threatened.
4. Our ability to protect the environment will be undermined.
5. Food Safety Standards will be threatened.
6. Buy America laws could come to an end.
7. Prescription drug prices will increase, access to life saving drugs will decrease, and the profits of drug companies will go up.
8. Wall Street would benefit at the expense of everyone else.
9. The TPP would reward authoritarian regimes like Vietnam that systematically violate human rights.
10. The TPP has no expiration date, making it virtually impossible to repeal.
Now, watch Robert Reich dismantle this horrible legislation in two and a half minutes.
Want more? Here are two links to well written articles.
While I still support my president, I cannot support the TPP nightmare. I agree with this 100%.
ReplyDeleteThis will be a bigger disaster than NAFTA ... great article ...
ReplyDeleteI'm ambivalent about the TPP. As someone who has an ecommerce business that's being sabotaged by cheap Chinese imports, I' like to see a coalition that can stand against China ("The deal is a strategic way for America to exert dominance and leadership in Asia in the face of China's growth.") I recognize the cons but also recognize that China is our biggest competitor - and it is hurting small American businesses right now. So lots to consider...