Friday, April 17, 2015

TPP ... An Oligarch's Dream

Twitter now permits me to see a list of those I've blocked from interacting with me. My political philosophy is generally progressive so, as you might suspect, the vast majority of those who may no longer view my account are right wing nut jobs.

However, there are also a good number of left wing nut jobs who place their loyalty to Barack Obama far above their loyalty to their alleged principles. Once I realize a person is incapable of reason because of fidelity to a particular ideology I’m through with them.

Now come unto us Trans Pacific Partnership; a treaty orchestrated and championed by Barack Obama which will further destroy America’s middle class and exacerbate environmental destruction worldwide. 

For several years, I've attempted to focus attention on this looming disaster in real life and on the internet. Irrespective of how mildly I phrase my criticisms of Obama and his efforts to fast-track this treaty, many of my fellow progressives scream like the proverbial banshees.

Generally, they make no effort to dispute my points opting instead to make statements like, “President Obama would not do anything to hurt the middle class.” This despite the fact that even a brief reading of the leaked provisions of TPP shows conclusively this treaty is essentially a race to the bottom. It literally gives corporations veto power over duly elected governments . . . via secret courts. Yes, you read that right.

Without a doubt, my progressive friends and followers would be apoplectic if TPP were being put forth by a Republican president. Of course, Republican leaadership is totally on board with this treaty as it helps in their ongoing efforts to create the FSA ... Feudal States of America ... ruled by an elite corporate aristocracy.

Read the paper or watch your favorite cable television news in the coming days. TPP is on the doorstep. Fast tracking has been approved by Congress and that means there will be no public discussion by our elected representatives nor will those  representatives be allowed to amend this disastrous treaty.

I've defended President Obama time and again because he has been unjustly criticized and even vilified by fools and knaves. TPP, however, is Obama's baby and he deserves every serious criticism he receives for bringing this disaster to fruition.

How amazingly hypocritical to speak so eloquently of transparent government, and the need to grow and strengthen America’s middle class, while working secretly to implement an economic treaty that will do the exact opposite.

Read this op/ed from the NYT and see if you are still committed to supporting Obama irrespective of his policies.

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