Monday, April 11, 2016

Beavis Butthead and Bevin

          I tend to avoid political designations. I don’t want self-imposed limitations placed on my views. By labeling myself politically, I commit to certain philosophies regarding government. I’m more thoughtful than that and have voted for Democrats and Republicans in the past.
          These days I do not consider the GOP a viable choice. Conservatism is a legitimate political philosophy and in many instances has great merit. Sadly, today’s Republicans are rarely true conservatives. Barry Goldwater and even Ronald Reagan would have no chance of being nominated for the presidency in these times. The Republican Party of old has been taken over by the least common denominator.
          Nationally, the Tea Party is in decline but, as Mark Twain noted, Kentucky is often the last to get the news. Now, come unto us Governor Matt Bevin. Let’s consider his philosophical views.
          Bevin says he loves the Constitution. Based on his website that love consists wholly of the 2nd Amendment. That separation of church and state part doesn’t fit Bevin’s views. If he could, he’d make Christianity the official religion of Kentucky before you could say, “I ride with Jesus.”
          Like all Tea Party governors, Bevin rails against Washington and programs like the Affordable Care Act. It’s Tea Party gospel and that’s enough for Bevin and the Tea Party faithful.
           Over six hundred thousand people in Kentucky now have medical insurance via Obamacare and the consequent Medicaid expansion but that doesn’t concern Bevin. It doesn’t matter that by all objective analysis the ACA (Obamacare) has been a dramatic success. Bevin is a Tea Partier. He hates all things Obama. Facts and reasoned analysis are irrelevant.
          Bevin is also a disciple of Grover Norquist whose stated goal is to destroy our elected government. What Norquist and Bevin will not tell you is that while they are drowning the government of the people, by the people, and for the people in the bathtub they are also busily empowering lobbyists and enshrining corporations.
          The word that most often comes to my mind when I consider the Tea Party is childish ... as in, *Bevin has a childish view of government.* We never hear him speak of working to improve existing programs beneficial to our people. That’s not what his corporate masters require.
          Adults recognize that governing is about choosing. We legislate to bring about beneficial change and if the legislation is flawed we fix it. If there are areas where Obamacare can be improved, we should do so. If there are ways to spend tax dollars more efficiently, and therefore require fewer of them, lay out the facts and let’s make those adjustments.
          That’s not going to happen with Bevin. He is a child of Fox News. He sees what he has been told to see. He repeats what he has been told to repeat. He doesn’t understand that talking points are not the same as a serious discussion.
          Bevin’s entire campaign was largely about trashing Obama as the GOP has done for the last seven years. We also heard a lot about Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. Check Bevin’s website. He’s a God and guns man so get ready for a heaping helping of the Book of Glock.
          In many respects, we live in a wonderful age where information is readily available. Get on your computer and read about Kansas. Governor Sam Brownback brought the Tea Party’s childish vision to fruition there and, with support from the GOP controlled legislature, bankrupted the state.
           Contrast Governor Brownback with Governor Beshear who guided Kentucky through the horrible economic disaster Bill Clinton and George W. Bush left behind. Beshear made hard choices and governed as an adult. Brownback governed dogmatically and Kansas is paying the price. 
          I have no interest in turning the affairs of Kentucky over to a group of children led by Governor Matt Bevin. Nor should you … irrespective of political designation.

1 comment:

  1. All too true. As a Wisconsinite, I am watching my progressive state turn into a joke as well. Gov. Scott Walker was given a surplus budget which deftly turned into a deficit. To try to balance this fiasco, he robbed from the University of Wisconsin Madison. It didn't help, but he did his best. His State (I refuse to call that pack of fools, "our") legislation are all handpicked yes men of his with the exception of a few brave progressive DEMS. By now you've seen the good Congressman Glenn Grothman on TV bragging on how Wisconsin's Voter ID has suppressed voter's rights to ensure GOP victories. If you look closer at that man, you'll find he is pure evil... so I agree with you. People need to start stop spending their time posting how they feel from one minute to the next or what they're doing/eating/etc on Facebook and use their time on the internet more effectively educating themselves on these den of thieves that now call themselves the GOP. Waving a gun, toting a bible and ignorant is no way to govern a great nation like ours.
