It has been difficult
choosing the most nauseating statement ever made by Mitch McConnell. There are
many to consider. However, I have been diligent and after reading a great deal from
our senior senator I have narrowed my selection to two quotes I think are most
The first is the now infamous comment of October 2010, “The
single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a
one term president.” … not jobs for Kentuckians, not quality well-funded
schools, not clean air and water; just get rid of Obama. No surprise here …
just vintage Mitch
The other quote, although less well known, will most likely
be my final selection. In March of 2007, McConnell was asked about the war in Iraq. His reply is stunning and reveals a
lot about him and a lot more about our society as a whole. He said, “Nobody is
happy about losing lives but remember these are not draftees; these are
full time professional soldiers.” Let that sink in for a few minutes and consider
the implications. See if it evokes a sense of shame. It should but it obviously didn't bother Mitch.
Sadly, the most upsetting thing about each of my
finalists is that Mitch said absolutely what he believes. This
is odd as McConnell is the acknowledged master of the ancient art of lying by omission. When the subject of ending the windfall era Bush tax cuts
for the wealthiest Americans is raised, he frames that as job killing. When the
desecration of the Appalachians and consequent poisoning of drinking water throughout
Eastern Kentucky is raised, he screams about free markets and job killing
regulations. All this while promoting environmentally destructive industry
practices and routinely supporting subsidies for well heeled corporate
When McConnell candidly admitted his primary goal was to
make sure Obama was a one term president, he told the absolute truth. The
very day Obama was inaugurated Republicans met a few blocks down the street and
plotted strategy to ensure his presidency would meet with no success … the
country be damned.
McConnell’s “these are full-time professional soldiers”
and therefore more readily expendable remark is deeply troubling exactly because he told the absolute truth. The majority of Americans are not
directly vested in our current wars because we have allowed politicians like
McConnell to establish a professional volunteer army and thus make the death of
our soldiers more palatable.
By government decree, our returning dead were not even shown on television. Kentuckians
paused respectfully when the news mentioned our fallen heroes, then it was back to,
“Madge, bring me a couple more of them corn dogs and a beer. The Cats are
on in a few minutes.” After all, the dead are just members of a “professional
all volunteer army not draftees.” Certainly, it’s a lot easier to disengage
when those of our blood are not on the line.
The all volunteer army was a well crafted plan and we
have successfully compartmentalized war. Truthfully, McConnell’s odious 2007
comment accurately reflects how most people have distanced themselves from the
pain and suffering endured by a few on behalf of the many. If there had been a
military draft in place when Bush misled us
into war, far more Americans would have been far more attentive and we would
never have invaded Iraq.
You know it and I know it and it's way past time to do
something about it. Bring back the draft and have real shared sacrifice and thus far fewer wars of economic opportunity.
Oh yeah ... elected officials’ kids
and grand kids go first.
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Holy shit! Is that Ashley Judd... |
I agree, if everyone's son/daughter was eligible for a draft, the war mongers in the GOP would be hopefully a little less likely to bang the war drum. I'm all for bringing the draft back...but it'll never happen.