Sunday, June 23, 2013

Not Much to Like Really by Shannon

I Tweeted Sarah Palin and the RW Lost It's Mind

     I don't like Sarah Palin. That's no secret. In my opinion, she's an opportunistic, attention-whoring, propaganda-spreading grifter who uses her children as media props at every given opportunity; something she's been doing publicly since she became a VP candidate.  She did it again, recently, when Bill Maher made a tasteless joke about her son, Trig.
     I sent her an admittedly rudely worded tweet regarding my distaste for the practice, and the RW trolls went crazy flooding my feed with hate-filled, misspelling-riddled attacks about my "insensitivity" and "hate" for those with special needs. It doesn't matter that my tweet was clearly a comment about her parenting, not her child.
     Now. Let's clear something up. Bill Maher is a comedian. It's his job to be a dick and say outrageous things that get people's panties in a bunch. It gets him media attention, higher ratings for his show and better ticket sales for his appearances. Bill Maher needs people like Sarah Palin or he has no material.
     That being said, Sarah Palin needs Bill Maher. She might loathe what he says, but she welcomes the accompanying attention and support she gets after he says it, and she milks it for all it's worth. Otherwise, she would take the moral high ground by releasing a gracefully-worded statement to the press condemning his words and ignorance. Instead, Sarah takes to social media like a middle-schooler in a barrage of childish retaliatory tweets and Facebook posts.
     Something her mindless droves of fans are happy to follow in turn.

This post was copied, with permission, from

I am a fan of Shannon's intelligence and writing ... follow her on twitter @nakedaxiom

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bill and Hill

" ... sure you reach across the aisle. Then, you get McConnell by the throat and squeeze the shit out of him..."

"... Bill, I understand you get more booty than Joseph Smith and Brigham Young put together ... and you're not even a Mormon..."

"... Bill, don't look now, but I swear to God Lindsey Graham has *Benghazi* tattooed on his forearm..."


Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear Mr President

I have but one question regarding recent revelations about your continuation of the Bush/Cheney abrogation of our people's civil liberties 


Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Friday, June 7, 2013

In Soft Moonlight

   In soft moonlight I come to my lover / she is the fertile valley where I dwell / she is the stars that light my path

  Her mouth is the river that feeds my soul … her eyes the fire that warms my nights

  I am the child who has searched … I am the man who has wandered / I am the lover who has found his way home

  Lie still my lover … you are mine … to taste … to smell … to exalt above all others … the woman I adore

Photograph by Eric Leslie