Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Barack the Knife ...

You have to give the President his due. Once again Obama has screwed the GOP. He has named a respected jurist to replace Scalia .... a moderate jurist that Orin Hatch (R UT) recently lauded as a *fine man* ... knowing full well the GOP controlled Senate will not even give Judge Merrick Garland a hearing. This obstructionism by McConnell and the GOP will not play well in November when many vulnerable Senate Republicans face the electorate.

Republicans say Obama is in his last year in office and should not nominate anyone to replace Scalia. The truth is that conservatve icon, Ronald Reagan, nominated Justice Kennedy in November 1987. Kennedy was then confirmed during Reagan’s final year of office in February 1988.

We elect presidents until their terms expire. Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court warrants the same consideration Reagan's received. The GOP is confident Americans will lose interest in this critical appointment. In this age of Facebook and Twitter, I'll take that bet.

Judge Garland Merrick deserves a hearing and Americans must demand that he have one ... quickly.

Judge Garland