Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I Am Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist. That’s enough for the ignorant on both sides of the aisle to condemn him.I find that somewhat odd cosidering socialist principles have been infused into our society from the beginning.

Consider This

The US Constitution is filled with references to the common good and even establishes a post office … a prime example of a socialist principle.

Through the efforts of Horace Mann, public schools funded by tax dollars began in Massachusetts in 1827. Each state followed the model … Mississippi coming on board 67 years later.

Want more? Teddy Roosevelt ... yes, a Republican ... established 100s of millions of acres as public lands. Eisenhower ... yes, another Republican ... built the Interstate Highway System. 

More? FDR brought forth Social Security in 1935. Truman later proposed a national health care law but was shouted down by the conservative rabble of his day. Thirty years later LBJ got it partly done and signed Medicare into law.

Bernie Sanders wants the next logical step, Medicare for All. His penchant for speaking truth to power ... a rare quality among politicians ... does not endear Sanders to the established players ... Republican or Democrat.


Conservatives fight each and every socialist program beneficial to everyday Americans but strongly support socialism for corporations. Socialist subsidies for Big Oil & Big Ag are fine but don't dare speak of free education & Medicare for all as Sanders does.

For daring to speak truth to power,Sanders is assailed by today's Conservative rabble and, somewhat unexpectedly, by Democrats too ignorant and robotic to consider the breadth of his views. 

My Thoughts

If Hillary Clinton wins the democratic nomination, I will support her fiercely. She's an establishment candidate ... and far too cozy with Wall Street ... but is far more preferable than any Republican offered for our consideration.

Bernie first ... then Hillary … and never another Republican in the White House.


  1. Perfectly said ... we must stop the infighting or we will be little better than the GOP.

  2. This is beautifully expressed,& I agree with the sentiments expressed 100%! I also support Bernie, BUT will support HRC,if she is our candidate.

  3. This is beautifully expressed,& I agree with the sentiments expressed 100%! I also support Bernie, BUT will support HRC,if she is our candidate.
